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PointApple is one of VEGATEX AppleSkin, a sustainable biobased leather alternative made from leftover apple pomace from the beverage industry.


Point Apple is lightweight and thin with a thickness of 0.45~0.6mm, has good drapeability and is flexible. It is ideal for clothings and small accessories.


Clothing, accessories


Characteristic Biobased Content

66% biobased USDA certified


The Pomace 

66% biobased USDA certified


#1619_11-0700 White

# 1609_Facf81 Almond

#1602_11-0700 White

#1612_16-1452 Firecracker

#1625_13-1009 Biscotti


#1622_13-4303 Dawn Blue

#1613_18-1451 Autumn Glaze

#1614_13-0403 Gray Morn

#1610_16-3320 Violet

#1626_19-1521 Red Mahogany

#1616_16-4114 Stone Blue

#1618_6C Black

#1617_18-1415 Marron

#1627_19-5513 Dark Green

#1611_18-1244 Ginger Bread

#1615_19-3903 Shale

#1607_18-1512 Rose Brown

#1623_19-4104 Ebony

#1605_19-0622 Military Olive

#1624_6C Black

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